'24/'25 Insurance Rebate Check Information

Each year, the Grand Lodge offers 10% and 5% rebates for early payment of insurance premiums. The premiums are collected by our insurance broker, Holmes Murphy. The Grand Lodge of Theta Delta Chi writes the rebate checks.

Please complete the form below to submit the information for the '24/'25 rebate check.

Please double-check the information below before submitting. The rebate checks can be sent to the Charge, Alumni Association, or House Corporations. 

Checks will be written in the spring. Please provide full legal names for the payee, i.e., no abbreviations or shortened names. Checks should cashed as soon as possible and no more than 90 days after receiving. 

Questions? Email glstaff@tdx.org.

Select your Charge from the list below.

Who should the check be written out to?
Please list the payee below.
Where should the check be sent?
What name should be on the mailing address?